Ms. Ramona Smith
Office: BB 652-J
Phone: (270) 809-5402
If you made a change to your style sheet and your webpage does not reflect that change, check:
  1. Did you refresh your browser? You may have to clear your browser's cache.
  2. Did you save your changes before uploading your css file?
  3. Did you upload your css file to the correct folder?
  4. Did you edit and upload the same file?
    • On your computer, check the location to where you saved your file. And ...
    • Check the location from where you are uploading that file to the server?
  5. Did you accidentally save your css file with a different name? Look closely!  For example, can you tell the difference between these file names?
  6. Check the layout of your styles, the layout of the html to which you are applying the styles and the spelling of the styles and values.
  7. Are you using inline and/or internal styles? If so, remember that an inline style will over-ride internal styles and styles within an external style sheet. Also, internal style will over-ride styles in an external style sheet.
  8. Are you actually viewing the correct file?