Ms. Ramona Smith
Office: BB 652-J
Phone: (270) 809-5402
Any one of the following could result in your not seeing recent changes.
  1. Did you upload your file?
  2. Did you save your file before uploading it?
  3. Did you refresh your browser? You may have to clear your cache.
  4. Did you upload and view the same file?
    • On your local computer, check the location to where you are saving your file and check the location from where you are uploading your file.  Are these locations the same?   For example, you may be saving a version to folder A yet uploading an old version from folder B.
    • On the server, check the location to which you are uploading your file and check the location from where you are viewing that file (i.e. check the url in the browser).  Are these locations the same? For example, (mouse-over the following links) you may be uploading your changes directly into your username folder yet viewing a file from your final_project folder.
    • Check the name of the file you are uploading and check the name of the file you are viewing from the server.  Are they the same?   Look closely!  For example, can you tell the difference between these file names?
  5. If your recent change involved inserting an image or applying a style sheet, make sure you are actually viewing your page from the server. See these tips.
  6. Check the structure of the tag that comes before your recent changes as well as the tag containing your recent changes. Incorrectly, closing a previous tag can result in the content that follows that tag not being displayed by the browser. The top (second row) of the Elements and Attributes handout shows the correct structure of both a 1-sided and 2-sided tag.