Ms. Ramona Smith
Office: BB 652-J
Phone: (270) 809-5402
If the browser displays "Page cannot be found", make sure you:
  1. uploaded your file?
  2. correctly entered your url.
    • Check your notes for the accurate url. It begins with You need to memorize this url.
    • If you created a folder (or folders) on the server into which you placed your file, include that folder name in your url as shown in class.
    • Check the folder name(s) and file name in the relative url; do these names match the actual folder name(s) and file name? Check carefully! Some of these names can look correct when, in fact, they are not. For example, check out these file names.
    • Did you create your username folder? If so, you were not supposed to since that folder has already been created. You access your username folder when you log into your account.
      If you created a username folder, the url to your page would then contain your username twice as in:
      (where csc125xxxxxx represents the course folder -- see course notes)
      If done correctly, the url to your page would contain your username only once as in: