(printable version)

Three Ways to use Styles

Inline Styles <element style = "property:value; property:value;property:value;" >
Internal Styles <head>
<style type = "text/css" >
etc ...
External Styles Webpage Head External Style Sheet - stylefile.css
href = "path_to/stylefile.css"
rel = "stylesheet"
type = "text/css" />
etc ...

Note: Properties that are underlined are properties to which multiple values can be applied.

Note: Units for a numeric value can be: mm, cm, em, ex, in, pt, px, pc, or %. (No space between a number and its unit. For example, 10px not 10 px)

(printable version)

CSS - Properties and Values

(Not a Complete List)

Properties Values
background color url(url) repeat attachment position
background-attachment inherit | scroll | fixed
background-color color name
rgb( p, p, p) where 0% ≤ p ≤ 100%
rgb( x, x, x) where 0 ≤ x ≤ 255
#hhhhhh where 0 ≤ h ≤ f
background-image url( path_to_file)
background-position x y
where x is the horizontal position and can be: number | left | center | right
where y is the vertical position and can be: number | top | center | bottom
background-repeat repeat | repeat-x | repeat-y | no-repeat
background-size width height
border width style color
for example: 1px solid rgb(100,50,200) (style can be solid | dashed | dotted | double | outset | inset | groove | ridge | none )
border-bottom width style color
Note:  length is the width of the border
ex. 1px solid rgb(100,50,200)
border-collapse (tables) collapse | separate | inherit
border-radius length (for example, 4em)
border-width number
bottom length | percent | auto | inherit
box-shadow none | h-shadow v-shadow blur spread color | inset | initial | inherit
(ex. 10px 10px 5px #ddeeff)
clear left | right | both | none | inherit
color color name or
rgb( p, p, p) where 0% ≤ p ≤ 100% or
rgb( x, x, x) where 0 ≤ x ≤ 255 or
#hhhhhh where 0 ≤ h ≤ f
display block | inline
float left | right | both | none | inherit
font style variant weight size height family
font-family name of font
font-size number (units - mm, cm, em, ex, in, pt, px, pc, %)
font-style italic | oblique | normal
font-variant normal | small-caps | inherit
font-weight bold | bolder | lighter | 100 ... 900 | normal
height auto, number (units - mm, cm, em, ex, in, pt, px, pc, %)
letter-spacing number (units - mm, cm, em, ex, in, pt, px, pc, %)
line-height number (units - mm, cm, em, ex, in, pt, px, pc, %)
list-style-type disc | circle | square | decimal | decimal-leading-zero | lower-roman |
upper-roman | lower-alpha | upper-alpha | none
list-style-image url(path_to_file)
list-style-position inside | outside
list-style type image position
margin-top number (units - mm, cm, em, ex, in, pt, px, pc, %)
margin-right number (units - mm, cm, em, ex, in, pt, px, pc, %)
margin-bottom number (units - mm, cm, em, ex, in, pt, px, pc, %)
margin-left number (units - mm, cm, em, ex, in, pt, px, pc, %)
margin top right bottom left (ex. 10px 5px 10px 15px)
max-width number (units - mm, cm, em, ex, in, pt, px, pc, %)
overflow auto | hidden | scroll | visible
padding-top number (units - mm, cm, em, ex, in, pt, px, pc, %)
padding-right number (units - mm, cm, em, ex, in, pt, px, pc, %)
padding-bottom number (units - mm, cm, em, ex, in, pt, px, pc, %)
padding-left number (units - mm, cm, em, ex, in, pt, px, pc, %)
padding top right bottom left (ex. 10px 5px 10px 15px)
position static | relative | absolute | fixed | inherit
text-align center | left | right | justify
text-decoration blink | line-through | overline | underline | none
text-indent number (units - mm, cm, em, ex, in, pt, px, pc, %)
text-transform capitalize | uppercase | lowercase | none
vertical-align (tables, img) baseline | inherit | bottom | middle | sub | super | text-bottom | text-top | top
white-space normal | pre | nowrap | pre-wrap | pre-line | inherit
width number (units - mm, cm, em, ex, in, pt, px, pc, %)
word-spacing number (units - mm, cm, em, ex, in, pt, px, pc, %)