Information Technology Advisory Committee
Members for the 2014-2015 Academic Year:
(the following representatives are noted below the nomination official for each area)
Vice Presidents' Representatives
- VP of Finance and Administrative Services (Jackie Dudley)
- Jan Fuqua
- Haley Stedelin
- VP of Institutional Advancement
(Jim Carter)
- Catherine Sivills
- Carol Brunn
- Catherine Sivills
- VP of Student Affairs
(Don Robertson)
- Fred Dietz
- Jennifer Thorn
- VP of Academic Affairs
(Jay Morgan)
- Michael Ramage
- Riza Marjadi
- College of Business (Tim Todd)
- Jack Smith
- School of Agriculture (Tony Brannon)
- Ryan Morrow
- College of Humanities and Fine Arts (Ted Brown)
- Sue Sroda
- College of Education and Human Services (Dave Whaley)
- Dusty Reed
- College of Science, Engineering, and Technology (Steve Cobb)
- David Roach
- University Libraries (Adam Murray)
- Adam Murray
- School of Nursing and Health Professionals (Marcie Hobbs)
- Tonia Mailow
- Center for Continuing Education and Academic Outreach (Brian Van Horn)
- Lisa O'Neal
Student Representative
Tiffany Pederson
Information Systems
Brantly Travis
David Jeffress
Hal Rice
Dave McKenna
Tommy Phillips
Brian Purcell
About the Information Technology Advisory Committee
Created by Presidential appointment October, 1994 the ITAC consists of faculty representatives from all colleges and the University Libraries, faculty support units, and representatives from student affairs and other major administrative units. ITAC appointments include student representatives. The committee provides advisory assistance to the university administration regarding the delivery of information technologies to campus constituencies. The ITAC holds regularly scheduled meetings. Campus constituencies are invited to attend. Contact Information Systems (270-809-2154) for dates and meeting times.
Information Technology & Security Policies
ITAC Minutes
- April 3 2006
- September 25 2006
- April 23 2007
- November 5 2007
- April 21 2008
- October 13 2008
- November 17 2008
- February 16 2009
- May 4 2009
- September 14 2009
- November 16 2009
- February 15 2010
- April 26 2010
- September 13, 2010
- November 9, 2010
- September 12, 2011
- November 14, 2011 agenda
- April 9, 2012 notes