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Timothy Johnston Associate Professor, Biological Sciences B.S. Harding College The the microbial community of any soil or sediment community plays a major role in chemical conversions that occur in the system. The organisms in the littoral zone will be greatly affected by the changing water levels which, in turn, affects the chemistry of the system. My students and I will measure the microbial diversity in the sediments of the littoral zone under different conditions of water level and temperature, and evaluate these data together with information gained by others measuring chemical flux and microbial productivity.
Recent Publications Lidija Halda-Alija, susan P. Hendricks, and Timothy C. Johnston. Spatial and temporal variation of Enterobacter genotypes in sediments and underlying hyporheic zone of an agricultural stream. Microbial Ecol. submitted (2000) Lidija Halda-Alija and Timothy C. Johnston. Diversity of culturable heterotrophic aerobic bacteria in pristine stream bed sediments. Can. J. Microbiol. 45:879-884 (1999) Recent Presentations Susilawati, E., K. Harris, D. Ferguson, T. Johnston, and W. Spencer. 1999. Environmental control of gene expression in the submersed aquatic weed Hydrilla verticillata. Proceedings of the Seventh Symp. On the Natural History of the Lower Tennessee and Cumberland River Valleys. Harris, K., B. Wimberly, D. Ferguson, T. Johnston, and W. Spencer. 1999. Isolation and determination of RNA from the submersed aquatic weed Hydrilla verticillata. Proceedings of the Seventh Symp. On the Natural History of the Lower Tennessee and Cumberland River Valleys. Halda-Alija, L. and T. C. Johnston. 1998. Identifying Numerically Abundant Methylotrophic bacteria from Complex Bacterial Communities in Agricultural vs. Forested Streams. Ann. Meeting Amer. Soc. Microbiol., p389. Kipphut, G. W., T. C. Johnston, and G. L. Ridout. 1997. Measurement of sediment-water chemical exhange rates in Kentucky Lake Reservoir. 17th International Symposium of the North American Lake Management Society. Houston, Texas. Halda-Alija, L., G. L. Ridout, and T. C. Johnston. 1997. Microbial diversity and activity in the sediments of Kentucky Lake. Ann. Meeting Amer. Soc. Microbiol., p384. Halda-Alija, L., G. L. Ridout, and T. C. Johnston. 1997. Structure and function of microbial communities in agricultural vs. forested streams. In: Gordon Research Conf., Applied and Environmental Microbiology, New Port, RI Ridout, G. L., L. Halda-Alija, and T. C. Johnston. 1997. Structure and function of microbial communities in Kentucky Lake sediments. Proceedings of the Seventh Symp. On the Natural History of the Lower Tennessee and Cumberland River Valleys. p167. Kipphut, G. L., G. L. Ridout, T. C. Johnston, H. Hoe, and S. Hendricks. 1997. Sediment-water Chemical Exchange in Kentucky Lake Reservoir. Seventh Symp. on the Natural History of the Lower Tennessee and Cumberland River Valleys. p. 166. White, D., S. Hendricks, G. Kipphut, T. Johnston, and W. Spencer. 1997. Surface-subsurface Processes in Agricultural vs. Forested Stream: Initial "Studies. Seventh Symp. on the Natural History of Lower Tennessee and Cumberland River Valleys. p 173. Ridout, G. L., L. Halda-Alija, and T. C. Johnston. 1997. Structure and function of microbial communities in Kentucky Lake Sediments. Ann. Meeting North Amer. Benthol. Soc. San Marcos, TX. Kipphut, G. W., T. C. Johnston, and G. L. Ridout. 1996. Sediment-water chemical exchange in Kentucky Lake Reservoir. Annual Meeting Amer. Soc. of Limnol. and Oceanogr. p. 62. Ridout, G. L. and T. C. Johnston. 1996. The microbial diversity of Kentucky Lake Reservoir sediments. . Annual Meeting Amer. Soc. of Limnol. and Oceanogr. p 74. Johnston, T. C., M. Rothschild, and S. E. Stevens. 1995. Using fluorescent oligonucleotide probes to study microbial populations in Kentucky Lake sediments. Proceedings of the Seventh Symp. On the Natural History of the Lower Tennessee and Cumberland River Valleys. p. 97.