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C-RUI Faculty
H.  Whiteman
S. Hendricks
T. Johnston 
G. Kipphut               B.Loganathan
D. Owen
W. Spencer
T. Timmons
D. White

C-RUI Students
Jason Albritton
Suzan Barton
Amanda Crook
Kari Foster
Joanna Kind
Thomas Moore
Terry Ray
Kosta Seaford

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College of S&ET
Center for Reservoir Research


Howard Whiteman

Assistant Professor, Department of Biological Sciences

B.S.   Allegheny College  
Ph.D. Purdue University 


My main interests are in evolutionary ecology and conservation biology. For the C-RUI project, my students and I are exploring the ecology of benthic invertebrates in Ledbetter bay.  Specifically, we are interested in how seasonal fluctuations of the reservoir influence population dynamics, movement, and life history, and morphology of invertebrates such as crayfish and snails.  The mechanisms of these changes (i.e., predation pressure, nutrient influx, which might be correlated to seasonal flooding) are also being explored.


Whiteman, H. H. and S. A. Wissinger.  2001.  Multiple hypotheses for population fluctuations:  the importance of long-term data sets for amphibian conservation.  In: M. L. Lanoo (ed.), Status and Conservation of U.S. Amphibians, California University Press (in press).
Wissinger, S. A., H. H. Whiteman, G. L. Rouse, G. B. Sparks, and W. S. Brown.  1999.    Foraging trade-offs along a predator-permanence gradient in subalpine wetlands.  Ecology, 80:2102-2116.
Whiteman, H. H., J. J. Gutrich*, and R. S. Moorman*.  1999.  Courtship behavior in a polymorphic population of the tiger salamander, Ambystoma tigrinum nebulosum.  Journal of Herpetology 33:348-351.
Bohonak, A. J. and H. H. Whiteman.  1999.  Dispersal of the fairy shrimp Branchinecta coloradensis (Anostraca): Effects of hydroperiod and salamanders.  Limnology and Oceanography 44:487-493.
Whiteman, H. H.  2000.  Developmental stability as an indicator of amphibian population health.  Invited speaker, Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Symposium, American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists Annual Meeting,  UABCS, La Paz, MX.

Whiteman, H. H., J. P. Sheen*, A. VanDeusen*, E. Johnson* and R. T. Cargille*.  1999.   Alternative prey and trophic polyphenism in larval tiger salamanders.  Guild of Rocky Mountain Population Biologists Meeting, Mountain Research Station, CO.