Home Page

The Officers



Position Statements


Photo Page

Dem Links

 Murray State University is not responsible for the contents of this (these) individual page (s). Comments on this (these) pages should be directed to the page author. I can be contacted at Kyle.Mullaney@MurrayState.edu

Welcome To the Murray State University College Democrats Home page.


Web site updates!

MSUCDA Has New Officers!

We have a new photo page!

  1. I still need pictures from the new officers.

  2. I also need photos from thr rest of the orginization. Pictures from events are good.

  3. Links to democratic organizations and candidates have been added.

  4. I have added position statements written by CDA to the website.



Updated 5/15/02   

Maintained by MSUCDA President Kyle Mullaney

E-Mail Mullaney

Tell me what you think!
Let me know what you like and dislike and how I can make our site better.

 E-mail Kyle Mullaney