Professor Kevin Binfield
Department of English and Philosophy
Faculty Hall 7C
Murray State University
Murray, Kentucky 42071 USA
email: kevin.binfield at
telephone: 270 8094541
General Information  Curriculum Vitae | Contact and Schedule | About Me
Research Current Research Interests | Luddites and Luddism -- History, Texts, Interpretation | Options for Teaching Laboring-Class British LiteratureCalls for Papers
Past Coursepages Fall 2000: Hum 211 | Eng 300 | Eng 304 || Spring 2001: Hum 211 | Eng 300 || Spring 2002:  Peace, War, and Culture || Fall 2002: Eng 101 | Hum 211 | Eng 304 || Spring 2003: Eng 304 || Fall 2003: Hum 212 | Eng 509 | Peace, War, and Culture
Murray State University  MSU Main | Racernet | College of Humanities and Fine Arts | Humanities Program | Registration and Records | Class Schedules | Academic Calendar | FTP