
Conference book     Printable schedule

Presenters: posting of abstracts is a manual process, so errors are possible. If you see any on your posted abstract, please email Dubravko Ivanšić at divansic@murraystate.edu. Depending on the browser (Firefox works), clicking on "PDF" ought to take you to the correct abstract in the PDF book of abstracts.

Talk times are in Central Daylight Time (Chicago, UTC-5:00), which is:

Auckland -17:00     Tokyo -14:00     Delhi -10:30     Dubai -9:00     Baghdad, Riyadh, Tel Aviv, Istanbul, Athina -8:00     Warszawa, Wien, Zagreb, Praha, Berlin, Roma, Amsterdam, Madrid -7:00     London -6:00     São Paulo -2:00     New York, Toronto -1:00     Ciudad de México +0:00     Denver, Salt Lake City +1:00     Los Angeles +2:00

If no talk time appears next to an abstract, the author was unable to present.

Plenary talk/Semi-Plenary talk/Topology in Data Science Workshop     expand all    show talk times

Hussam Abobaker     A Survey of the Set Function T     PDF
Henry Adams     Topology in Data Science     PDF
Ana Anušić     On the Nadler-Quinn problem     PDF
Lei Chen     Actions of diffeomorphism groups on 1-manifolds     PDF
Steven Clontz     Limited information strategies for infinite-length games     PDF
Carina Curto     Graphs, network motifs, and threshold-linear algebra in the brain     PDF
Spencer Dowdall     Geometric finiteness and Veech group extensions of surfaces groups     PDF
Andrew Dykstra     Complexity in symbolic dynamical systems     PDF
Vera Fischer     Spectra and definability     PDF
Craig Guilbault     \(\left( E\right) \mathcal{Z}\)-structures for groups of the form \(G\rtimes\mathbb{Z}\)     PDF
James Hyde     Finitely generated simple groups of orientation preserving homeomorphisms of the real line     PDF
Olga Kharlampovich     Countable elementary free groups     PDF
Christopher Leininger     Billiards, symbolic coding, and cone metrics     PDF
Ronnie Pavlov     Entropies of intermediate factors     PDF
Columba Pérez     On Countable Dynamical Systems     PDF
Michel Smith     On the Prevalence of Hereditarily Indecomposable Continua.     PDF
Iian Smythe     Equivalence of generic reals     PDF
Jing Tao     Classification of surface homeomorphisms     PDF

Continuum Theory    expand all    show talk times

Dedicated to the memory of Włodzimierz J. Charatonik (1957–2021)

Maria Elena Aguilera, Alejandro Illanes, Paweł Krupski, Verónica Martínez de la Vega, Robert Roe, Sahika Sahan     Remembering Włodek     PDF
Gerardo Acosta     Equicontinuous Mappings on Finites Trees     PDF
Jan Boronski     Densely branching trees as models for Hénon-like and Lozi-like attractors     PDF
Félix Capulín     Pseudo-contractibility on G- growth hyperspaces     PDF
Jernej Činč     Pseudo-arc in measurable Dynamical Systems     PDF
Tavish Dunn     Generalized Inverse Limits and the Intermediate Value Property     PDF
Sina Greenwood     Inverse limits of upper semicontinuous functions and indecomposable continua     PDF
Rodrigo Hernández-Gutiérrez     Almost rigid smooth fans     PDF
Logan C Hoehn     Folding maps on graphs, and hereditarily indecomposable continua     PDF
Alejandro Illanes     Continua with unique cone     PDF
Matt Insall     The Fixed Point Property for Some Planar Continua     PDF
Wayne Lewis     100+ Years of Indecomposable Continua     PDF
David Lipham     Endpoints of Julia sets     PDF
Michael Lockyer     Path-connected inverse limits of set-valued functions on intervals     PDF
Rosario A. López     On Weakly Continuum-Chainable Continua     PDF
Emanuel R. Márquez     The pseudoarc does not admit nontrivial pseudomeans     PDF
Verónica Martínez de la Vega     Topological Mixing and UPE     PDF
David Maya     Noncut subsets of the hyperspace of subcontinua     PDF
Daria Michalik     On representation spaces - some new results     PDF
Ulises Morales-Fuentes     Rectangles inscribed in plane continua     PDF
Patricia Pellicer-Covarrubias     Path connectedness of the hyperspace of nontrivial convergent sequences     PDF
Erick I. Rodríguez-Castro     Differences and similarities between some hyperspaces    PDF
David Ryden     A Hereditarily Decomposable Generalized Inverse Limit from a Function on [0,1] with Cycles of All Periods     PDF
Scott Varagona     Inverse Limits with Smith Functions     PDF
Jorge E. Vega     The hyperespace of non-cut subcontinua, \(NC^{*}(X)\)    PDF

Dynamical Systems    expand all    show talk times

Sourav Bhattacharya     Monotonicity of the Over-rotation Intervals for Bimodal maps     PDF
Alexander Blokh     A model of the cubic connectedness locus     PDF
Van Cyr     Invariant measures for Language Stable Subshifts     PDF
Jernej Činč     Towards the understanding of inhomogeneities in strange attractors     PDF
Michal Doucha     On dual surjunctivity     PDF
Magdalena Foryś-Krawiec     On rigid minimal spaces     PDF
Axell Gómez-Ramos     NDS and a variation on the concept of weak-mixing     PDF
James Kelly     Dynamics of Markov multi-maps on the interval     PDF
Judy Kennedy     Characterizations of P-like continua that do not have the fixed point property     PDF
Przemek Kucharski     Orientation preserving Lozi maps     PDF
Tamara Kucherenko     Flexibility of the Pressure Function     PDF
Krystyna Kuperberg     Periodic points near an adding machine     PDF
Olga Lukina     Rotated odometers     PDF
David McClendon     Speedups of \(\mathbb{Z}^d\)-odometers     PDF
Jonathan Meddaugh     Shadowing of continuously generated pseudo-orbits     PDF
Piotr Oprocha     On completely invariant sets in Lorenz maps     PDF
Samuel Roth     Flexibility and Rigidity of Polynomial Entropy     PDF
Skyler Simmons     A Newtonian \(n\)-body Collision-Based Periodic Orbit in Three Dimensions     PDF
Sandeep Chowdary Vejandla     Parameter space of cubic symmetric laminations     PDF
Jim Wiseman     Persistence for finite-resolution dynamics     PDF
Kitty Yang     Mapping class group of miminal subshifts     PDF

Geometric Group Theory     expand all    show talk times

Santana Afton     Representations of Fundamental Groups with a Profinite and p-Adic Flavor     PDF
Ulysses Alvarez     The Up Topology on the Grassmann Poset     PDF
Simon André     Acylindrical hyperbolicity and elementary equivalence     PDF
Chloe Avery     Stable Torsion Length     PDF
Michael Brandenbursky     Fragmentation norm and relative quasimorphisms     PDF
Lvzhou Chen     Normal subgroups of big mapping class groups     PDF
Matthew B. Day     Calculating the virtual cohomological dimension of the automorphism group of a right-angled Artin group     PDF
George Domat     Big pure mapping class groups are never perfect     PDF
Sami Douba     Virtually unipotent curves in some non-NPC graph manifolds     PDF
Elizabeth Field     End periodic homeomorphism and volumes of mapping tori     PDF
Jianhua Gong     Projection in the moduli space of Kleinian groups     PDF
Zohar Grinbaum-Reizis     Vanishing of cohomology via angles between subspaces     PDF
Meng-Che Ho     Rational growth and languages of geodesics of groups     PDF
Huang Jingyin     Introduction to Morse Quasiflats     PDF
Justin Katz     Integral Gassman equivalence of hyperbolic manifolds     PDF
Marissa Miller     Stable subgroups of handlebody groups     PDF
MurphyKate Montee     Cubulation and Property (T) in Random Groups    PDF
Jean Pierre Mutanguha     Limit dendrites for free group automorphisms     PDF
Thomas Ng     Efficient free subgroups in group extensions     PDF
Eduardo Oregón-Reyes     Cubulated relatively hyperbolic groups     PDF
Mark Pengitore     Coarse embeddings and homological filling functions     PDF
Jacob Russell     Extending surface groups by curve stabilizers     PDF
Chandrika Sadanand     Heegaard splittings and square complexes     PDF
Jordan Sahattchieve     A fibering theorem for compact 3-manifolds     PDF
Luis Jorge Sánchez Saldaña     The Eilenberg-Ganea problem for families     PDF
Takamichi Sato     Direct decompositions of groups of piecewise linear homeomorphisms of the unit interval     PDF
Hung C. Tran     Superexponential Dehn functions inside CAT(0) groups     PDF

Geometric Topology     expand all     show talk times

Jerzy Dydak     Coarse Freundenthal compactification and ends of groups     PDF
Hanspeter Fischer     On the failure of the first Čech homotopy group to register geometrically relevant fundamental group elements     PDF
Greg Friedman     Geometric cup products via flowing     PDF
Jonah Gaster     Vertical arcs on the modular torus and the Markov Uniqueness Conjecture     PDF
Burns Healy     Higher Rank Extensions of Nilpotent Lie Groups     PDF
Dubravko Ivanšić     Kirby diagrams of general Cappell-Shaneson 4-spheres     PDF
Matthew Lynam     Inverse systems and \((m,n)\)-dimension     PDF
Didac Martinez Granado     The extremal length systole     PDF
Mike Mihalik     Relatively Hyperbolic Groups with Semistable Fundamental Group at Infinity     PDF
Christian Millichap     Symmetries and Hidden Symmetries of Sufficiently Twisted Knot Complements     PDF
Atish J. Mitra     The space of persistence diagrams on n points coarsely embeds into Hilbert Space     PDF
Molly Moran     Coarse Group Boundaries     PDF
Christoforos Neofytidis     Endomorphisms of mapping tori     PDF
Margaret Nichols     Surface embeddings in \(\mathbb{R}^2\times \mathbb{R}\) through the lens of the crease set     PDF
Leonard Rubin     Čech Systems and Approximate Systems     PDF
Chandrika Sadanand     Hyperbolic cone surfaces and billiards     PDF
Nick Salter     Simple closed curves in covers of surfaces and unitary K-theory     PDF
Kevin Schreve     Homology growth of right-angled Artin groups     PDF
Jamie Scott     A Surgery Approach to Rudyak's Conjecture     PDF
Mathew Timm     Baumslag-Solitar Groups and Solenoids     PDF
Bena Tshishiku     Symmetries of exotic negatively curved manifolds     PDF
Sahana Vasudevan     Large genus bounds for the distribution of triangulated surfaces in moduli space     PDF
Angela Wu     Non-quasispheres with Euclidean weak tangents     PDF
Nicolò Zava     Coarse infinite-dimensionality of hyperspaces of finite subsets     PDF

Set-Theoretic Topology     expand all    show talk times

Leandro Aurichi     Some variations of the Banach-Mazur game     PDF
Liljana Babinkostova     Countable Dimensionality, Games and Haver Property     PDF
Zeinab Bandpey     Compact and extremally disconnected spaces via generalized continuous functions     PDF
Serhii Bardyla     On regular countably compact \(\mathbb{R}\)-rigid spaces     PDF
Will Brian     Covering versus partitioning with Polish spaces     PDF
Nathan Carlson     On the cardinality of a homogeneous compactum     PDF
Christopher Caruvana     Selection Games with Compact Sets     PDF
William Chen-Mertens     Selectivity properties of spaces     PDF
Alan Dow     Martin's Axiom and converging \(\omega_1\)-sequences     PDF
Ziqin Feng     Compact Spaces with a \(P\)-base     PDF
David J. Fernández-Bretón     Ends of nonmetrizable manifolds: a generalized bagpipe theorem     PDF
Sergio García-Balán     (Absolute) Star selection principles on small spaces     PDF
K. P. Hart     Soft compactifications of \(\mathbb{N}\)     PDF
Jared Holshouser     Selection Games in Hyperspace Topologies     PDF
Tetsuya Ishiu     A proof of Čertanov's Theorem by using countable elementary submodels     PDF
David Milovich     Homeomorphism classes of hypergraph spaces     PDF
Sonia Navarro Flores     Borel ideals and Ramsey spaces     PDF
Peter Nyikos     Two to one closed preimages of \(\omega_1\) with big differences     PDF
Ivan Ongay Valverde     Questions about the Clopen Coloring Axiom     PDF
Marion Scheepers     Moving off families and a Ramseyan Theorem     PDF
Alexander Shibakov     Invariant Ideals in groups     PDF
Santi Spadaro     Dense metrizable subspaces in powers of Corson compacta     PDF
Petra Staynova     From van der Waerden to Combinatorics on Words     PDF
Paul Szeptycki     Weak normality properties in \(\Psi\)-spaces     PDF
Piotr Szewczak     Abstract colorings, games and ultrafilters     PDF
Vladimir Tkachuk     Polish cofinality and some completeness properties     PDF
Jerzy Wojciechowski     Lineability cardinals for various families of Darboux-like functions     PDF
Alfredo Zaragoza     A characterization of the product of the rational numbers and complete Erdős space     PDF
Lyubomyr Zdomskyy     Frechet-Urysohn and Pytkeev properties are not equivalent for \(C_p\)-spaces     PDF

Contributed Talks     expand all    show talk times

(CT) Lucero Madrid-Mendoza     On g-pseudo-contractibility of continua     PDF
(CT) Mónica Sánchez-Garrido     The Cantor set as generalized inverse limit     PDF
(DS) Abdul Gaffar Khan     Persistence and topological stability in pointwise dynamics     PDF
(DS) Padmapriya V Prakash     Dense Set of Large Periodic points of Chaotic Group Actions     PDF
(GT) Manuel Chacón-Ochoa     Some hyperspaces of compact convex sets and their orbit spaces     PDF
(GT) Luisa F. Higueras-Montaño     On the homeomorphism type of a hyperspace of convex bodies associated to tensor norms     PDF
(GT) Artur Piękosz     Grothendieck topology and Stone duality     PDF
(STT) Saak Gabriyelyan     Topological properties of inductive limits of closed towers of metrizable groups     PDF
(STT) José F. Gálvez-Rodríguez     Distribution functions and probability measures on linearly ordered topological spaces     PDF
(STT) Frédéric Mynard     Special subsets of \(\beta X\) and non-topological convergence properties characterized topologically     PDF

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