Ann Flowers
Ann Flowers
Artist Statement
My prints look at feminine ideals and the effects they have on women. I look
pass their exterior identities and ponder what makes up their interior. I’m
exploring the many aspects that make an ideal feminine woman. The insecurities,
the love, the hate, the beauty. It’s my goal to expose what’s hidden
behind their perfectly made up façade. In my body of work I’m assembling
characters that work together to tell a story.
I fashion skirts onto my prints to represent the physical form of the female.
With-in the work I assemble characters that work together as a personal language
to tell a story. Social as well as personal observations are used as a way to
expose what’s behind the physical. I use imagery such as tiaras, patterning,
dresses and expressive mark-making to confront both the playful and the serious
issues that are part of the composition of women. My work is both celebrations
and sympathy for feminine ideals.
I look at many artists and stay up-to-date with popular culture. This helps my
works stay current with the issues I deal with. Artists like Cindy Sherman influence
my desire to study the female culture while Robert Rauschenberg and Lisa Bulawsky
inspire the formal style. Their abstract styles executed in collage or collage-like
sensibilities catch my eye and influence my own need to create.
Resume * Portfolio * Artist Statement * Links