Robotics 2008 Camp
Day 4 -- July 10, 2008
MSU Afternoon Group

Today, the campers were introduced to the engineering and programming concepts focused around sound and light sensors.  Campers used the sound sensor and their programming skills to make the robotic vehicle move forward, stop, and turn left when loud sounds were made. This challenge was called "Sound Off." Then, campers used light sensors to drive their robots along a dark line. "Follow the Line" was the challenge campers tackled using the light sensors. Some of the campers even accomplished one of the most difficult challenges of all--"Hit Red Ball!"  This challenge required campers to program their robots to distinguish between the red and blue ball and hit the red one.

Teams learned a variety of skills all in preparation for the Robot Derby events to be held on Day Five. Parents, grandparents, family, and friends - you are all welcome to join the Derby Day events after our afternoon break at 2:30 so your camper can demonstrate some of his or her projects. Bring your cameras and be ready to experience MSU Robotics Camp 2008 at its finest!

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