
Beaver (Castor canadensis) gnawing.

Piles of twigs with the bark gnawed off can be spotted from far away.  These are beaver feeding stations or feed beds.


This chunk of femur was gnawed upon by a rodent in search of calcium.  Notice that the toothmarks on the left side of the bone are very small, too small to be those of a squirrel, rat, or chipmunk.  They are less than a millimeter wide, and probably belong to a white-footed mouse or deer mouse (Peromyscus spp.).

This is a former red-winged blackbird nest that is now 
being used as a feeding platform by mice.  It is full of 

This is a Hibiscus seed pod that has been opened and 
eaten by some type of small rodent.  Each one of the small
seeds has been opened, and had the contents eaten.

Bald Cypress (Taxodium distichum) twigs were incised 
by a small rodent to make this nest.  

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*Produced by Travis Brown 2-22-02