
Common raccoon 
(Procyon lotor)
  • Front track to left of screen.
  • Rear track to right of screen.


Front track: 5.3(L) x 4.2(W) cm
Rear track: 6(L) x 4.3(W) cm
Stride: 32 cm
Trail Width: 9.3 cm

Raccoon tracks displaying their most common gait, pacing.  The 
front track most often found directly next to the rear track of the
opposite side.


Virginia O'possum (Didelphis virginiana) tracks
rarely show up like this.The rear track almost 
always obliterates the front track, and often all
that is found is a set of diagonal walking, messy 
tracks, with a prominent tail drag.

Front: 1 3/8 x 2 3/16 in.
Rear: 1 3/4 x 2 3/8 in.
Stride: (diagonal walk) 8 5/8 in.
Trail width: 2 1/2 in.

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*Produced by Travis Brown 2-22-02