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Pectoral Girdle of Turtle

1. Pelvic Girdle  2. Prescapular process (acromium) 
3. Procoracoid (anterior coracoid)  4. Scapula  5. Humerus


Pectoral Girdle and Appendage of the Turtle

1 Phalanges  2. Metacarpals  3. Carpals  4. Ulna  5. Radius  6. Humerus
7. Scapula  8. Prescapular Process (acromium)  9. Procoracoid (anterior coracoid) 


Pelvic Girdle of the Turtle

5. Pubis  6. Illium  7. Acetabulum  8. Ischium


Pelvic Girdle and Appendage of the Turtle

1. Femur  2. Pubis  3. Epubis  4. Puboischiadic fenestra  5. Fibula  6. Tarsals 
7. Ischium  8. Sacral Vertebrae  9. Phalanges  10. Metatarsals  11. Tibia  12. Illium


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