Home, 5/16 (last message)

Exam 3 turned out decently enough that no one needed to take the final. All exams and grade statistics are now on the "scores and docs" page.

It's been an awesome semester! Thanks to everyone for working on the hard material and for going to the board to do homework problems! And the T-shirt and the banter! See you next fall knee-deep in integration theory!

Have a great summer!

Home, 5/3

Exam 3, covering sections 7.1-7.3 and 7.5, will take place during our final exam time, on Monday at 10:30. Check out sample exam 3 for some representative problems. We will meet on Zoom for a review session at 1:00 on Sunday (click the lectures Zoom link on Canvas).

Homework for sections 7.3 and 7.5 is due on Monday. I will report your grade some time on Monday evening, so that you can decide whether to take the final exam. In case someone needs to, we'll make arrangements.

Good luck on finals!

Office hours schedule next week:
Monday 9:30-10:30 and 12:30-1:30
Other days not yet scheduled, because I don't know when some students will be taking the final, but will be updated here.

Home, 4/26

Homework for sections 7.1 and 7.2 is due on Monday. On Tuesday, we continue with section 7.3, and possibly 7.5.

As discussed in class, we are thinking of having exam 3 (covering 7.1-7.3, 7.5) during the time of our final exam, and if anyone wants to take the final exam, we will arrange for a time to do it later in the week.

We are also considering an additional meeting on Wendesday, to work on homework and have more time on Thursday for homework or exam preparation. Classrooms are not available before 1:30, so this will be the earliest we could do it. We will solidify the plan on Tuesday.

Home, 4/19

Exam 2 turned out pretty well. Let's continue working on it for the last two weeks!

On Tuesday, we continue with section 7.2, possibly starting homework discussion over it.

Home, 4/12

After the exam - and the eclipse - maybe we should rest our eyes a little.

On Tuesday, we will continue lectures over sections 7.1 and possibly 7.2

Home, 4/6

Exam 2, covering chapter 6, is scheduled for the Thursday. Check out sample exam 2 and test knowledge for this section. Homework for sections 6.3 and 6.4 is due Monday so you can get it back before the exam.

On Tuesday, we will continue lectures over sections 7.1 and possibly 7.2 and take any questions you may have ahead of the exam.

Also on Monday, the solar eclipse is scheduled. Try to see it, as there won't be another one in 20 years! Because I intend to drive to a place where totality will occur, I will not be available after 11:00 AM, so try to get your homework to me by then.

Home, 3/29

On Tuesday, we will continue discussion of homework in sections 6.3 and 6.4.

Exam 2, covering chapter 6, is planned for the Thursday of week after next.

Home, 3/15

After return from break, we will finish section 6.4 and start discussion of homework in sections 6.3 and 6.4. Exam 2 will follow, but definitely not the week after break.

Have a good spring break!

Home, 3/8

On Monday, we will finish discussion of homework from section 6.2 and start lectures on section 6.3. Homework for sections 6.1 and 6.2 is due on Thursday.

Home, 3/1

Exam 1 turned out reasonably well, but there is always room for improvement. Students did not attempt several easy problems.

On Tuesday, we will start section 6.2.

Home, 2/23

After exam 1, relax a little from continuous functions. But you may still think about differentiable ones!

On Tuesday, we will continue with sections 6.1 and 6.2, with homework discussion to follow on Thursday.

Home, 2/16

Exam 1, covering sections 5.1-5.4 and 5.6, is scheduled for Thursday. See sample exam 1 for some representative problems and check the "Test Knowledge" document to see what theory questions you may be asked.

On Tuesday, we will start chapter 6 and devote part of the class to review for the exam.

Home, 2/9

On Tuesday, we will finish section 5.6 and start looking at homework in section 5.4.

We are aiming for exam 1 to be week after next.

Home, 2/2

On Tuesday we will start lectures on section 5.4.

Homework for sections 5.2 and 5.3 is due on Tuesday.

Home, 1/25

On Tuesday we will finish up with lectures on section 5.3, and continue with working on homework in sections 5.2 and 5.3.

The official homework list has been posted, along with test knowledge.

Home, 1/19

On Tuesday we will finish up with homework discussion and continue on with lectures. Homework for sections 4.3 and 5.1 is due on Thursday.

The official homework list will be posted next week.

Home, 1/15

Welcome to the course! Things will be run pretty much like last semester, so I won't bore you with repetition.