Home, 5/16 (last message)

The course is over and the final grades are in! The final exam turned out poorly, but this is not unusual, since most students with better grades do not take it. Only one person managed to improve their grade with the final exam, also not unusual, because most people were quite far with their overall score from the next higher grade.

Nevertheless, this is the best College Algebra corequisite courses I have taught! Nearly half the attending students got an A or a B! So: good job, class!

You have been an engaged class, always willing to go to the board for homework. Student participation always makes my job easier, and I appreciate that! It has been a pleasure teaching this course!

All exams, joysheets and their solutions are now available on the "scores and docs" page. Even if you don't care, future College Algebra students will!

Have a great summer!

Home, 5/3

Exam 4 turned out well, especially for the exam for which we did not do enough homework. Good job, class!

The final exam is scheduled for Monday at 1:30 in our usual classroom. It will have six pages and consist of problems like the ones on the exams during the semester. Therefore, to start preparing for it, make sure you can do all the problems on the four exams we have had. The word problems have a habit of repeating themselves on the final exam! Solutions to all of our exams except the fourth are available (two people have not yet taken exam 4). Also, check out the sample final exam on the "scores and docs" page and see the MOTHERLODE for additional final exams. No one should have any problem finishing the exam, since it is 50% longer than a usual exam, but you get twice the time.

If you opt to take the final exam, turn in joysheets 10 and 11 if you haven't already.

Office hours schedule next week:
Monday 9:30-10:30 and 12:30-1:30
Tuesday on Zoom only 10:00-3:00 (email me to get the session started)
Wednesday 9:30-10:30, 12:30-2:30
Thursday on Zoom only 10:00-2:45
Friday 9:30-10:30

Home, 4/26

Exam 3 did not turn out very well, but much better than my recent 140-C sections. One of the biggest problems was not recognizing quadratic equations and solving them as such.

Section 5.1 is due on MyLab tonight. Same for sections 4.1 and 4.2 which were reopened when many people forgot to do them last week. Sections 5.2 and 5.3 have been assigned and are due on Tuesday. Joysheet 10 was handed out yesterday, it is due on Tuesday. You can get your copy before Monday by clicking above.

A note on section 5.2 MyLab: when you activate the exponential function graphing tool, at the bottom of the dialog box is the base for the exponential function: it defaults to e, so needs to be changed when your base is not e. People often forget to do this and are puzzled why MyLab reports an incorrect answer.

On Monday, we will go over homework in sections 5.2 and 5.3 and move on with our material.

Exam 4 is planned for Thursday, covering sections 5.1-5.6. Check out sample exam 4 for some representative problems. We are a little pressed for time and it would be good to have more practice time before the exam. Among options being considered are an additional review class on Wednesday or having the exam on Friday at an agreed time.

Home, 4/19

After exam 3, with nothing due, relax a little. Not for long, though, as the last two weeks are upon us, and we'll have to cover some material with which many are unfamiliar.

Home, 4/12

Exam 3, covering sections 3.1-3.5, 4.1 and 4.2 is scheduled for Thursday. Practice on sample exam 3 on the "scores and docs" page, or get more exams on the MOTHERLODE.

MyLabs for section 3.4 are due tonight, and I have assigned MyLab for section 3.5 as well, due on Tuesday. If you haven't turned in Joysheet 8, bring it on Monday.

On Monday, we will discuss homework in section 3.5 and lecture over sections 4.1 and 4.2.

Home, 4/6

Homework on MyLab for section 3.3 is due on Sunday. Joysheet 7 was due on Thursday - bring it on Tuesday if you did not get a chance to turn it in.

On Monday, class is canceled due to the solar eclipse. We made up that class last Wednesday, covering section 3.3. Recording of the class is available on Canvas/files/recordings. As always, board images from discussion of homework in 3.3 are on Canvas/files.

Try to see the eclipse, as there won't be another one in 20 years! Because I intend to drive to a place where totality will occur, I will not be available after 11:00 AM.

On Tuesday, we will cover section 3.4 and have an in-class joysheet over sections 3.1-3.3.

Exam 3 is coming week after next, likely on Thursday.

Home, 3/29

MyLab homework for sections JIT 25 and 3.1 are due tonight! I have opened up section 3.2 on MyLab, but we haven't finished either lectures or homework over it, so it is due on Wednesday.

On Monday we will wrap up lectures on section 3.2 and start homework discussion over it.

On the day of the eclipse (Monday, 4/8) I plan not to have class and would like to make this class up on one Wednesday, perhaps as early as next week (Wed, 4/3). We will discuss it in class.

Home, 3/16

Exam 2 turned out quite well. You can see the scores and solutions on the "scores and docs" page.

On Monday after break we will discuss homework in the following sections: JIT 13, 21-23, 25 and 3.1. The Just-in-Time sections are review material, so we have not lectured over it. These sections have been assigned on MyLab, due on Wednesday after break.

Have a good spring break!

Home, 3/8

Exam 2, covering sections 2.1-2.5, is scheduled for Thursday. Check out sample exam 2 for some representative problems, and additional exams from the MOTHERLODE. If you are not happy with how well you did on the previous exam, more practice is in order. If you did zero or one sample exams to prepare last time, do two or three this time!

On Monday we will discuss homework for section 2.5 (due on MyLab on Tuesday). Don't forget that MyLab for section 2.4 is due tonight.

If there is time left after homework discussion on Monday, we will go on to cover section 3.1, which is not on the exam. This may spill over into part of Tuesday's class, when we also plan to review for the exam.

Home, 3/1

On Monday we will finish homework discussion for sections 2.2 and 2.3 (due on MyLab on Tuesday) and possibly move on to new material. I anticipate an in-class joysheet on Tuesday.

Exam 2 is coming during the week after next.

Home, 2/23

With exam 1 behind us, take a breather! But not for long, as section 2.1 MyLab has already been assigned, due Tuesday. While we have not finished covering this section, we have done enough for you to start working on the homework.

On Monday we will finish section 2.1 and then discuss homework from it.

Home, 2/16

Exam 1, covering sections 1.1-1.6, is scheduled for Thursday. To see a sample exam, check out sample exam 1 on the "scores and docs" page. Try to do it without going back to your notes. If you find yourself stumped by some problems, it means you haven't gained proficiency for that type of problem, so check with notes or homework to see how it is done. For more practice, you can find all my exams on the MOTHERLODE, see link on the "scores and docs" page.

MyLab homework for section 1.6 is due tonight, and joysheet 4 is due on Monday, so I can return it to you before the exam. If you did not get your copy, you can always find it by following the link in the menu.

Joysheet scores have not been so great. Don't forget that you can always see me for help on those, and you can find solutions to the previous semester's joysheet (similar to the one you have) on the "scores and docs" page under "in-class joysheets."

On Monday we will move ahead with our material, covering topics from chapter 2 that will not be on the exam.

Home, 2/9

On Monday, we will continue discussion of section 1.5 and probably move into 1.6.

I will open up MyLab homework for sections 1.5 and 1.6 on Monday. For now, work on joysheet 3, handed out in class yesterday and due on Tuesday. If you didn't get your copy, and would like it before Monday, get it at the link above. Also, if you need some tips on joysheet 3, the solutions to the in-class version that we did yesterday is on the "scores and docs" page.

Our first exam is anticipated week after next, most likely on Tuesday.

Home, 2/2

On Monday, we will start by discussing homework in section 1.3, then go on to lectures over section 1.4. Section 1.3 has been assigned on MyLab, due on Tuesday.

Yesterday, I handed out our first joysheets (worksheets). If you didn't get a copy and would like one before Monday, see the link at top. Joysheet 1 is due on Monday and Joysheet 2 is due on Tuesday. If you need some pointers on the joysheets, look at solutions to previous classes joysheets, found under "IC joysheets" on the "scores and docs" page.

Free tutoring information has been updated with schedules for this semester.

Home, 1/26

On Monday, we will finish lectures in section 1.2. Afterwards, we will start discussing homework in sections JIT 6, 7, 9, 14, 15 and section 1.2. Look over those problems in the book so you are prepared when asked to go to the board.

The first batch of online homework (on MyLab) is due tonight. If you haven't done it, you should work on it now! Homework from sections referenced above has also been assigned, but it is due next week.

As we move into harder material, some students will be having a harder time. Because our course builds on itself, poor understanding of first sections will make future ones harder. Therefore, if you are having trouble with some material, make sure to stop by office hours and get some help. If you cannot come to the listed office hours, there is a good chance that I can meet you at some other time.

Home, 1/19

On Monday, we will finish lectures in section 1.1. Afterwards, we will start discussing homework in sections JIT (Just-in-time, at the beginning of the book) 8, 11, 12, 17 and section 1.1. Look over those problems in the book so you are prepared when asked to go to the board.

Online homework for those sections has been assigned on MyLab. I will show you how to get to the online homework on Monday (through Canvas/modules), but you can try to reach it yourself, as some of you have already done. Right now, the MyLabs are due on Wednesday, but that will likely be pushed back, because we missed a day of class yesterday.

I recommend that everyone try to do homework on paper from the book before you dive into the corresponding MyLab assignment. This will leave you with a written record that you may go back to when doing worksheets or studying for the exam, and will have you do more problems, and as we all know, more practice = better skill.

Home, 1/15

Welcome to the course! Look around to familiarize yourself with the layout of these webpages. To get to other pages, click on the links in the menu (or drop-down, if viewing on a smartphone). The most often-used pages are in the first line of the menu (or the first several choices of the drop-down). "Scores and docs," for example, has all the documents for the course.

Your first exercise is to find the syllabus on these pages and read it. The items there that are typically of greatest interest to students are from "Homework" to "Make-ups."

These pages will get more content as information becomes available. Check back often: useful information is provided in the "home" section (which you are reading), typically updated weekly. For now, here is some information on the textbook, online homework and Canvas.

Textbook and online homework: In this course, you have signed up for "Inclusive Access," which automatically bills you for access to the online homework system and includes the e-book. You can access these materials by clicking on Canvas/Modules. If you do not already have a Pearson account, you will need to create it and then link it to your Canvas account.

Canvas: Canvas will only be the repository of class notes and your grades. Information about the course and weekly messages will be posted to this website (also accessible from Canvas). (Why bother with the website outside of Canvas? Two reasons: it's easier to make updates to it, and it stays public. I value this, and you may grow to as well, as a service to future students of this same course.)

Lecture notes: Have these with you so that you can follow the lectures in class without having to copy a lot. I will distribute the printed notes. The filled-in notes written in class are on Canvas.