Home, 12/7
Exam 3, covering sections 7 and 8, is scheduled for Monday at 1:30 in our usual classroom. This is the final exam time for my college algebra class, so you may see some of those students in the room. I expect to have the exam graded Monday evening and will report your overall grade on Canvas Monday night so you can decide whether to take the final exam at our regularly scheduled time of 1:30 on Thursday.
To help you with preparation and homework in 8.2, we'll be having a Zoom meeting on Sunday at 3pm. Click on the meeting on Canvas that says "office hours." I will also send you the link prior to the meeting.
Office hours schedule for next week:
Monday 9:30-1:30
Tuesday 9:30-1:30
Wednesday Zoom only 10:00-3:00 (email me to get the session started)
Thursday 9:30-1:30
Home, 11/29
Exam 2 turned out decently - see the scores and docs page for the statistics.
Next week, we are planning to cover sections 7 and 8 (we may be skipping some proofs to make sure enough time is left for homework). I am working on the homework assignments for sections 7 and 8 and the test knowledge for exam 3.
As we discussed in class, we are planning for exam 3 to take place during final exam week, on Monday at 1:30 with another class. Please check your schedules to make sure this time works for you.
Hope you are having a good Thanksgiving break!
Home, 11/22
Take a little break after exam 2. Well, if you can - I know some of you are preparing for another exam next week.
On Monday, we start with section 7.
Home, 11/15
Exam 2 has been moved by popular demand to Friday so we can have an extra day to freak out over the homework. I mean practice the homework.
Either way, that's what we will continue to do on Monday.
Home, 11/8
On Monday, we will finish lectures over sections 6 and 10 and start discussion of homework in section 10.1.
Exam 2 is planned for Wednesday of week after next, 11/20.
Home, 11/1
On Monday, we will continue lectures over sections 6 and 10. I'll try to get assignments for those sections posted as soon as I can.
Home, 10/25
On Monday, we will continue discussion of homework in section 5.
Home, 10/19
Exam 1 did not turn out so great. Maybe it's the abstractness of material, maybe some students could use better preparation, or some other reason. You should not get discouraged - we still have two exams during the semester - but keep working on the course. Note that the homework will help many students in their overall score, as it is a pretty big part of the grade (40%). Check your overall score on Canvas.
On Monday, we will finish section 5. We probably will not get to discussing homework, but if anyone wants to look ahead, I hope to have homework for section 5 posted on Sunday night.
Home, 10/10
Exam 1, covering sections 0 and 2-4 is scheduled for Friday after fall break. Test knowledge has been posted and it includes the list of most important type B problems from homework. (All type A problems are considered important.)
The exam will have three theory questions, where you are asked to briefly recall a definition or a theorem. Then it will have some type A and type B problems to choose from, with the requirement that you submit five problems, where at least one or two is of type B, depending on whether you are taking this course as an undergraduate or graduate course. If you do more than 5, I will count your best five. Because time is fairly short, the type A problems are going to be simpler and quicker to do than on a typical homework.
Homework for section 4.2 is due on Monday, and I will return it on Wednesday. On Monday, we will start a new section, which will continue for part of Wednesday. On Wednesday, we will also spend some time reviewing for the exam.
Have a nice fall break!
Home, 10/4
On Monday, we will continue homework discussion over section 4. I expect at least 4.1 will be due on Wednesday.
Exam 1 is being planned for the week after fall break. I will have the test knowledge written up before fall break.
Home, 9/27
On Monday, we will continue lectures over section 4. Check on Sunday to see if a homework assignment is posted over it, in case we start homework discussion on Monday.
I anticipate exam 1 to happen during the week after next.
Home, 9/20
On Monday, we will continue discussion of homework over sections 3.1 and 3.2.
Exam 1 will come after we finish section 4.
Home, 9/13
Homework for sections 2.1 and 2.2 was due today. If you did not turn it in, make sure you bring it on Monday.
On Monday, we will finish lecturing over section 3 and start working on homework from section 3.
Home, 9/6
On Monday, we will continue discussion of homework from section 2. Depending on how much we are able to cover, homework will be due either on Wednesday or Friday.
Home, 8/30
On Wednesday, we will finish section 2 and start discussing homework from it. I anticipate homework to be due on the following Monday.
After homework discussion, we will move to section 3, likely on Friday.
Home, 8/23
Homework has been posted for section 2. Because there is a large number of problems, many of which I find instructive, especially at this early stage, I have divided the section into two assignments, 2.1 and 2.2, and want you to turn in a minimum 30 points worth for each one.
On Monday, we will continue lectures. First homework discussion is not anticipated before Wednesday.
Home, 8/20
Welcome to the course! Look around to familiarize yourself with the layout of these webpages. To get to other pages, click on the links in the menu (or drop-down, if viewing on a smartphone). The most often-used pages are in the first line of the menu (or the first several choices of the drop-down). "Scores and docs," for example, has all the documents for the course.
Your first exercise is to find the syllabus on these pages and read it. The items there that are typically of greatest interest to students are from "Homework" to "Make-ups."
These pages will get more content as information becomes available. Check back often: useful information is provided in the "home" section (which you are reading), typically updated weekly. For now, here is some information on the lecture notes and Canvas.
Canvas: Canvas will only be the repository of class notes and your grades. Information about the course and weekly messages will be posted to this website (also accessible from Canvas). (Why bother with the website outside of Canvas? Two reasons: it's easier to make updates to it, and it stays public. I value this, and you may grow to as well, as a service to future students of this same course.)
Lecture notes: Have these with you so that you can follow the lectures in class without having to copy a lot. I will distribute the printed notes in class. The filled-in notes written in class are on Canvas.