Home, 12/4

Exam 3 didn't turn out as well as the previous exams, but still decently. Solutions are coming Monday afternoon.

The final exam is scheduled for Thursday at 10:30 in our usual classroom. Recall that the final exam is optional - you take it if you wish to try to improve the grade I assigned you. It replaces your weakest exam grade if it is better.

The final exam will consist of six pages and will be comprehensive, covering all the material we had during the semester. No one should have trouble finishing it, as it is 50% longer than our usual exam, but you get twice the time. The questions will be very much like the questions we had on the three exams, therefore, if you are taking the final, make sure you can do all the problems on the exams we had. Check out a sample final on the scores and docs page, too.

If you need to see me, here is the office hour schedule for finals week:

To attend an office hour on Zoom, send me an email, so I can start the meeting.

Good luck on final exams!

Home, 11/23

Exam 3 is scheduled for Friday, covering sections 4.3, 5.1, 5.2, 6.1-6.3. Check out the following problems on the sample exams:

I will have your overall grade by Sunday evening, so you can decide whether to take final exam on the following Thursday.

On Monday, we continue with new material from sections 6.1-6.3. Homework for sections 4.3 and 5.1 is due tonight, but can be submitted until Saturday. We will have two more homeworks by the end of the semester, 5.2&6.1 and 6.2&6.3. More details as we go next week.

Currently, I owe you 4 homeworks and hope to make a dent in this over the "break." Notes and homework for chapter 6 have been posted.

I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Home, 11/19

Exam 2 turned out well, see statistics and solutions on the "scores and docs" page.

On Monday, we continue with new material from section 5.2 and chapter 6. Homework for sections 4.3 and 5.1 is due on Wednesday.

I should have notes for chapter 6 posted by Sunday evening.

Home, 11/12

Take a little break after exam 2.

On Monday, we continue with new material from section 4.3. Homework for sections 4.1 and 4.2 is due on Monday.

I will have notes for chapter 5 posted by Sunday evening.

Home, 11/4

Exam 2, covering sections 2.4, 2.7, 2.8, 3.1, 3.2, 4.1 and 4.2 is scheduled for Friday. (I decided that there is not enough time for both lectures over 4.3 and adequate homework discussion time before the exam, so 4.3 is not on the exam.) Check out the following problems on the sample exams:

Note that, due to a different book, some problem types are not represented in the above sample (e.g. find a basis of null space or column space, etc.) Just like on sample exams, expect a group of true/false questions on the exam, together not worth more than 20% of the exam.

Homework for 4.1-4.3 has been posted. On Monday, we will finish section 4.2 and start discussion of homework in 4.1.

Home, 10/29

On Monday we will finish section 3.2 and start discussion of homeworks in 3.1 and 3.2.

It is looking like we will have exam 2 the week after next. Stay tuned.

Home, 10/22

Exam 1 turned out well. You can find the solutions and grade statistics on the "scores and docs" page.

On Monday, we will finish homework discussion of section 2.8, and start new material from chapter 3. I expect to have notes for chapter 3 available on Sunday evening for printing, and homework for this chapter has already been posted.

Home, 10/14

On Monday, we continue with section 2.8. Homework for sections 2.3 and 2.4 is due on Sunday.

Homework for sections 2.7 and 2.8 has been posted.

Home, 10/8

After exam 1, take a breather and enjoy fall break. On Monday, we continue with section 2.4. Start looking at homework in sections 2.3 and 2.4 and we will work on them after completing section 2.4.

Check back to see if additions to chapter 2 notes and homework have been posted, hopefully Sunday night.

Home, 9/30

Exam 1, covering sections 1.1-1.7, 2.1 and 2.3 is scheduled for Wednesday. As the sample exams on the "score and docs" page come from a course that was taught with a different book and arrangement of topics, problems that are reflective of what may come on our exam 1 are scattered among the three sample exams. Check out:

Note that problems like those from section 1.5 are not represented in the sample above, but may come on the exam. (Such problems may require a lot of computation, so I will either ask you to only set them up or make them easy to compute.) Just like on sample exams, expect a group of true/false questions on the exam, together not worth more than 20% of the exam.

Homework for sections 1.7 and 2.1 is due on Sunday. While I will return your homework for sections 1.5 and 1.6 before the exam, I am not sure that I will be able to do the same for 1.7 and 2.1, but I will try.

Lecture notes and homework have been posted for sections 2.1, 2.3, 2.4.

Home, 9/23

On Monday, we will start with section 2.1, and start discussing homework over section 1.7 if there is time left over.

Exam 1 is scheduled for Wednesday of the week after next. More details on what it will cover coming next week. You can find a sample exam on the "scores and docs" page, but keep in mind this exam was given when a different book was used.

Lecture notes and homework have been posted for sections 2.1, 2.3, 2.4.

Home, 9/16

On Monday, we will finish discussion of homework in 1.6, with 1.5 and 1.6 due on Wednesday. Afterwards, we will move on to new section 1.7.

Our first exam is coming after we cover a few sections of chapter 2, possibly late week after next.

Home, 9/9

On Monday, we will finish discussion of homework in 1.4, with 1.3 and 1.4 due on Wednesday. Afterwards, we will move on to new sections 1.6 and 1.7.

Home, 9/3

On Wednesday, we will finish section 1.4, and start discussing homeworks in sections 1.3, 1.4.

I will not lecture on section 1.5, but we will discuss its homework after sections 1.3 and 1.4. Note that the homework assignment and lecture notes have been posted up to 1.7.

Thus, nothing is due right now, so go ahead and take it easy for the long weekend, but look at some of that homework in sections 1.3 and 1.4!

Home, 8/26

On Monday, we will start with section 1.3.

Homework for sections 1.1 and 1.2 is due on Saturday. If you miss something in homework discussion, photos of the board are always on Canvas/files.

Tutoring information for the Ross Center has been updated on the "free tutoring" page.

Home, 8/19

On Monday, we will continue with section 1.2.

I have not yet assembled the list of homework problems and will hopefully get to it this weekend. So don't worry about turning anything in for a few days.

Home, 8/16

Welcome to the course! Look around to familiarize yourself with the layout of these webpages. To get to other pages, click on the links in the menu (or drop-down, if viewing on a smartphone). The most often-used pages are in the first line of the menu (or the first several choices of the drop-down). "Scores and docs," for example, has all the documents for the course.

Your first exercise is to find the syllabus on these pages and read it. The items there that are typically of greatest interest to students are from "Homework" to "Make-ups."

These pages will get more content as information becomes available. Check back often: useful information is provided in the "home" section (which you are reading), typically updated weekly. For now, here is some information on Canvas and assignment submission procedures.

Canvas: Canvas will mainly be the repository of class notes, your grades, and a place to upload homework. Information about the course and weekly messages will be posted to this website (also accessible from Canvas). (Why bother with the website outside of Canvas? Two reasons: it's easier to make updates to it, and it stays public, something I value, and you may grow to as well, as a service to future students of this same course.)

Assignments and exams: For increased convenience of assignment submission and return, all written assignments will be submitted and returned on Canvas. Exams will be taken in person.

Assignment submission: is through Canvas as PDF files only, to facilitate easier grading and return.

If you are scanning, resolution of 100dpi has been good enough for exam solutions, so it should be adequate for your assignments. (Resulting smaller files are quicker to upload and download).

If you don't have a scanner, take pictures with your phone, and try to lay the assignment sheet on a flat surface with good lighting. Use a lower resolution setting for the camera, to reduce final file size. Then use an app to bundle the pictures into a PDF. Some phones have native support for this, for others you can download a free app. Here are some that have been recommended to me: default notes app on the iPhone, Adobe Scan, Tiny Scanner, CamScanner, Notebloc.