Home, 12/24 (last message)

The course is over, the final grades are in! All the statistics are in and may be found on the "scores and docs" page.

I had fun teaching this course, and hope you did, too! MyMathLab had pickiness issues, but it's all for a learning purpose, right? Special thanks to everyone who participated in class discussion - you always make my job easier!

Have an enjoyable break!

(scroll down for previous messages)

Home, 12/6

Exam 4 turned out poorly, probably due to the fact that it was about logarithms and given at the hectic end of the semester.

The final exam is scheduled for Monday and Thursday at 1:30 in our usual classroom. You may come to either time scheduled for our two sections.

The final exam will be comprehensive. The best way to start studying for it is to make sure you can do problems on all the exams we had, since the problems on the final will be similar to the ones on the exams. If necessary, you can extend practice to going over the joysheets as well. All the solutions to exams and joysheets are now posted.

The final exam will have six pages (compared to our usual exam of four pages), and you will have two hours to work on it, so you should have plenty of time.

Office hours during finals week are:

Monday 11:30-1:30, Wednesday 10:00-3:00, Thursday 11:30-1:30, Friday 9:30-10:30

Good luck on final exams!

Home, 11/26

Exam 4 is scheduled for Friday (last day of classes). It will cover sections 5.1-5.6. Check out sample exam 4 in the usual place. After the exam, I will let you know what your grade is in the course (by sometime on Saturday), so you know whether to take the final exam. Either class can come to either final exam time (Monday and Thursday at 1:30), but no one can come to both times.

Joysheet 10 was handed out on Monday and is due on Tuesday (12/2). There will be one more joysheet that will be turned in with the exam. On Monday, we will discuss homework in 5.3 when MyMathLab will be due.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Home, 11/21

Exam 3 did not turn out as well as expected, so I offered to everyone to bring me a correction of up to two of the word problems (11, 12 or Bonus) for up to 10 points extra towards this exam. Write your corrections on a separate sheet of paper and bring it with the exam. These were due today, but I will still take them on Monday.

We will discuss homework in 5.2 and 5.3 on Tuesday, when MyMathLab will be due.

Home, 11/14

After exam 3, you may relax a little. New chapter awaits on Monday.

I plan to have exam 3 graded by Monday, so you will have a better idea on where you stand on the last day to change to audit. Come see me during office hours on Monday if you have concerns.

The grade computer has finally been updated to include MyMathLab. Try it! (You will need to enter all your grade information and joysheet totals.) You can see what you need to make on exams 3 and 4 to get a desired grade.

Home, 11/8

Exam 3, covering sections 3.1-3.5, 4.1 and 4.2, is scheduled for Friday. Check out sample exam 3 for some representative problems.

We will have joysheet 9 handed out on Monday and due Tuesday (so that I can return it to you before the exam). If you would like to get ahead on working on it, you can find it in the usual place.

Sections 3.4 and 3.5 will be discussed on Monday and due on MyMathLab that same day.

Home, 10/31

Exam 2 turned out reasonably well, with the 1:30 class improving their average and the 2:30 class going a little under. See the statistics on the scores and docs page.

Since many have the final grade on their mind now and wish to know how they are doing in class, it'sa good time to point out the grade computer on these pages. It is not yet set up to take into account your MyMathLab scores, but you can get a rough idea by entering your joysheet and exam scores.

Section 3.3 has been assigned for online homework - it is due on Tuesday.

Home, 10/17

Exam 2, covering sections 1.3-1.6 and 2.1-2.5 is scheduled for Friday of next week (Oct. 24th). A sample exam has been posted, check out sample exam 2.

Joysheet 6 is due on Monday - if you didn't get your copy in class, you can find it under "joysheets." I anticipate one more joysheet before the exam, perhaps due at the time of the exam.

Exam 2 will be an opportunity to improve your grade - if you are having trouble with some of the material, make sure you come to see me in office hours.

Home, 10/11

We will finish section 2.1 on Monday, we'll discuss it on Tuesday and MyMathLab homework from that section will be due on Wednesday.

Joysheet 4 scores are pretty weak, although the problems were not very hard. I've noticed that many people do them in class, which I don't think is a good method, since the problems do require a little bit of thought, so should be done at home. If you have questions on the joysheets, you are always welcome to ask before or after class, but I don't want to spend much time on them in class.
I forgot to post joysheet 4 solutions on Friday, but will do so on Monday.

We'll have exam 2 most likely during the week after next.

Home, 9/30

Homework in 1.5 and 1.6 will be discussed on Tuesday, and MyMathLab homework from those sections is due the same day.

Joysheet 4 is due on Monday. If you did not get yours, find it through the link at right.

Have a nice fall break!

Home, 9/26

Exam 1, turned out so-so, about average for exam 1 in a college algebra class. You may view how the class did and get solutions to the exam (and joysheets) on the "scores and docs" page.

Home, 9/12

Exam 1, covering sections R.1-R.7, 1.1 and 1.2 is scheduled for Friday, 9/19. The problems on it will be similar to what you have seen on homework and joysheets. Check the "scores and docs" page for a sample exam (look at Exam 1).

Joysheet 2 was handed out on Thursday and is due on Monday. If you haven't received one, click on "joysheets" at right. Sections 1.1 and 1.2have been assigned on MyMathLab, so you can start looking at them, if you wish.

Home, 9/6

Sections R.6 and R.7 have been assigned for homework and we will discuss them on Monday and Tuesday, respectively, which is when they are due on MyMathLab as well.

Joysheet 1 was due yesterday - bring it on Monday if you haven't turned it in. If you haven't received it, check the link at right for a printable copy.

Expect exam 1 week after next (i.e. 9/15-9/19). Free tutoring information has been updated and sample exams will be posted soon.

Home, 8/29

Sections R.4 and R.5 have been assigned for homework and we will discuss them on Tuesday, which is when they are due on MyMathLab as well.

Please note that office hours have changed slightly.

Home, 8/22

Sections R.1 and R.2 have been assigned for homework and we will discuss them on Monday.

Make sure you get set up on MyMathLab for online homework, because work will be due soon.

Home, 8/19

Welcome to the course!  Look around to familiarize yourself with the layout of these webpages.  Note that the most important links at right are highlighted.  All documents (homework assignment, solutions to exams, etc.) can be found at the "scores and documents" page. Links to often-used documents also appear in the menu bar at right.

This page refers to both sections of College Algebra that I am teaching. If there is anything specific to one section, I will state so.

These pages will get more content as information becomes available.  Check back often: useful information is provided in the "home" section (which you are reading), typically updated weekly.