Home, 8/8 (last message)

Sorry for the big delay in posting this...I had to travel right after finals week and did not get to it earlier.

The course is over and the final grades are in! You can view the statistics on all the exams and the final grades on the usual page. Keep in mind that final exam statistics usually exhibit significantly lower scores, because the students who have an A based on performance during the semester are not taking it.

It had a good time teaching this course and hope you did too (to the extent that is possible:)  Thanks to everyone who participated in class discussion - you make my job a more fun and a easier!

Have a great fall semester!

(scroll down for previous messages)

Home, 5/3

Take-home exam 4 was handed out on Thursday. If you have not received it, you may find it on the "scores and docs" page in the file "complete exams". Please observe the instructions on top of the page as to working on the exam on your own.

Exam 4 is due on Monday at 3:00PM. I will email you your overall grade by Monday night, so that you can decide whether to take the final exam. If you turn in your exam 4 by Friday at 3PM, you will get the final grade by Saturday evening.

The final exam is scheduled for Wednesday at 1:30PM in our usual classroom. It will be comprehensive and will have 6 pages (so, like an exam-and-a-half), containing problems very much like we had on the four exams during the semester. Therefore, the best way to study for the final exam is to make sure you can do all the problems on the previous exams and joysheets.

If you need to see me during finals week, here are my office hours:

Monday 10:00-3:00, Tuesday 10:00-2:00, Wednesday 9:30-10:30, 1:00-1:30

Good luck on finals!

Home, 4/26

After Exam 3, you may relax a little. Next week, we will cover sections 14.1, 15.1 and 15.2.

Since we were supposed to have four exams, but ran out of time, the last joysheet will count as the fourth exam. I will distribute the joysheet on Thursday and it will be due on Monday. Then, later on Monday, I will have your final grades ready, so you can make the decision whether to take the final exam.
To find out your grade, email me from your murraystate account (so I know it's you) and I will send you the information.

Home, 4/23

Exam 3 is scheduled for Thursday, covering sections 12.1-12.5. Check out the sample exam - it has representative problems of what will be on our exam.

Joysheet 9 was handed out last Thursday and is due at the exam.

Since only one week of classes is left after this week, and I would like us to have four exams in this course, the last joysheet will be counted as exam 4.

Home, 4/12

Joysheet 8 was handed out on Thursday - it is due on Thursday - you can find it in the usual place. There will be one more joysheet before exam 3.

Home, 4/5

You may relax a little after exam 2. But not for long, exam 3 is coming soon (in three weeks' time).

Home, 3/29

Exam 2, covering sections 11.1, 11.4, 11.6-11.8 has been scheduled for Thursday. Check out the sample exam on the "scores and docs" page for some representative problems.

Joysheet 7 was handed out and is due on Thursday. If you would like a copy before our next meeting, you can find it in the usual place.

Home, 3/25

Ah, I forgot to update the site just before spring break.

Joysheet 6 was handed out just before spring break and is due on Thursday. There will be one more joysheet before Exam 2, which I anticipate for next week.

Home, 3/8

Exam 1 turned out reasonably well. The large number of A's and E's suggests that the exam wasn't very hard and that those who studied did well, and those who didn't, did poorly. If you are in the latter category, make sure you do the homework and ask questions in class, as you look ahead to our next exam (coming soon after spring break). You may check out the statistics and find the solutions to the exam on the "scores and docs" page.

Joysheet 5 was started in class on Thursday and it is due on Tuesday. If you were not in class, you may obtain the joysheet at the link to the right.

Home, 3/1

After exam 1, given on Thursday, you may relax a little. But if you feel compelled to do something, check out homework for section 11.1.

Home, 2/22

Exam 1, covering 8.1-8.5 is scheduled for Thursday. Check out the sample exam for some representative problems.

Joysheet 4 has been distributed, it is due on Tuesday. If you would like to have it back before the exam, stop by my office on Wednesday. If you did not receive Joysheet 4, you can find it in the usual place.

Joysheet 3 didn't turn out so well, and there was a lot of confusion about which formula to use (which there shouldn't be, as the main difference is single deposit versus multiple deposits). Make sure you compare your answers to the solutions to see what you did not do correctly.

Home, 2/15

Joysheet 3's due date has been moved to Tuesday due to not having class on Tuesday of this week. This also pushes exam 1 to week after next.

If you haven't gotten Joysheet 1 back to me for recording the grade, please remember to do so as soon as possible.

Home, 2/11

Joysheet 3 is due on Thursday. If you did not receive it last time and want it before tomorrow, check out "joysheets" at right.

I am anticipating exam 1, covering chapter 8, to take place on Thursday of next week (2/21). We'll have one more joysheet before then.

Home, 2/3

Sorry for canceling class on Thursday. Joysheet 2 is now due on Tuesday (if you don't have it, you can find it at the "joysheets" link at right.

Home, 1/25

Homework in 8.2 was assigned for discussion on Tuesday. Also on Tuesday, I will distribute Joysheet 2, which will be due Thursday. If you would like yours early, you can find it in the "joysheets" quick link at right.

Free tutoring times have been updated to reflect this semester's information.

Home, 1/18

Joysheet 1 was handed out in class on Thursday, and it is due next Thursday. If you did not get a copy, and would like one before Tuesday, follow the link at bottom right.

If anyone's interested, I've added sample the sample exams on the "scores and docs" pages (they are simply exams from fall of 2012.)

Home, 1/14

Welcome to the course!  Look around to familiarize yourself with the layout of these webpages.  Note that the most important links at right are highlighted.  All documents (homework assignment, solutions to exams, etc.) can be found at the "scores and documents" page. Links to often-used documents also appear in the menu bar at right.

These pages will get more content as information becomes available.  Check back often: useful information is provided in the "home" section (which you are reading), typically updated weekly.