Home, 5/15 (last message)

The course is over and the final grades are in!  Final grade statistics can be found on the "Scores and Solutions" page.  Solutions to the final exam and all previous graded work can be found on the same page.

Few people (9) chose to take the final exam as most were content with the grade they had already earned in the course.  This had an impact on final exam grades (which were weak), as the students who ordinarily got good grades on exams did not take the exam and did not contribute to the average.

I enjoyed teaching the course!  Special thanks go to people who were active in class: they always make my job easier and more fun!

Have a great summer, everyone!

(scroll down for previous messages)

Home, 5/4

Exam 4 turned out really well!  Good job, class!

Final exam is scheduled for Tuesday, May 9th at 1:30PM.

Recall that the final exam replaces your weakest test grade (and has no impact if it is poorer than the weakest grade), so, if you are looking to get a better grade than you already have, there is nothing to lose by taking the final exam.

The final exam is comprehensive and the best way to study for it is to make sure you can do all the problems on our previous exams and worksheets.  The final exam will have problems very similar to those.  About 10% of the exam will be things we did the last week of class (chapter 9, polar coordinates), for which homework has been posted.

Solutions to all the exams and worksheets are posted.  I have also posted the complete set of our
blank exams and worksheets, so you may use them as practice for the final exam.  A final exam from spring '03 is also posted.

If you need any help, make sure to see me during these office hours:

Monday 9:00-1:30
Tuesday 11:00-1:30
Wednesday 11:00AM -3:00
Thursday 9:30-10:30

Good luck on final exams!

Home, 4/28

Next week we finish our material with 9.2.  No worksheet will be given this week, but homework problems are assigned.  Next week's material will appear on the final exam in a small part (no more than 10 points out of 70)

Home, 4/21

Exam 4 is scheduled for Tuesday, 4/25.  It will cover sections 8.1-8.4.  A sample exam is posted: look at exam 5 (all problems).

Solutions to worksheet 7 are available, while solutions to worksheet 8 will be posted on Monday.

Home, 4/14

We have one more section, 8.4, before we've finished the material for exam 4.  We'll work on homework from 8.2 and 8.3 as well as cover 8.4 on Monday.  Expect to receive another worksheet on Tuesday, which is due on Friday.

Exam 4 is scheduled for Tuesday, 4/25.  It will cover sections 8.1-8.4.  A sample exam is posted: look at exam 5 (all problems).

Exam 4 is our last exam this semester. After you have its grade, you can decide whether you would like to take the final exam to improve your overall grade.  (You may also check with the grade computer to see what you need to get on exam 4 to reach a target grade.)  After exam 4, there will be one more worksheet to turn in.

Home, 4/7

Exam 3 turned out poorly.  What happened, everyone?  Solutions are now posted.

We started a new chapter on Thursday.  New homework has been posted and section 8.1 has been assigned.

Now that exam 3 grades are in, it is a good idea to consult with the grade computer to see what you need to get on exam 4 in order to have a desired grade.  This will help you make the decision on whether you should plan on taking the final exam.

Home, 3/29

Exam 3 is scheduled for Tuesday, 4/4.  It will cover sections 7.4, 7.5, 7.7 and 7.8.  Sample exams are on the "Scores and Solutions" page, the relevant problems are:

Exam 3: 7-10
Exam 4: all

Worksheet 6 is due on Friday.  If you would like feedback before the exam, pick it up on Monday.

Home, 3/16

We have one more section to cover (7.8) before exam 3.  After that we'll have one class for review, so expect exam 3 to be on Tuesday, 4/4.  Worksheet 5 is due on the Tuesday after the break.  I also expect to give you a worksheet over 7.7 and 7.8 that day, to be due on Thursday.

Have a great spring break, everyone!

Home, 3/10

Exam 2 turned out well.  Good job, class!  Solutions may be found in the usual place.

The grade computer has been updated and you may now use it to figure your current average.

Looking ahead, exam 3 is planned after we finish section 7.8, which will be fairly soon.  You can expect it in the second week after spring break.

Home, 3/3

Exam 2 is coming on Tuesday, 3/7!  See below for what it will cover and what problems from the sample exams to work on.

Solutions to worksheet 3 are posted, those for worksheet 4 are coming on Monday.  If you would like to get worksheet 4 back before the exam, stop by my office on Monday during office hours.

Don't forget to come by if you need some help with the material before the exam!

Home, 2/24

Exam 2 is scheduled for Tuesday, 3/7.  It will cover sections 6.6, 6.7 and 7.1-7.3.  Sample exams are posted: the relevant problems are:

Exam 2: 2, 4-6, 8
EXam 3: 1-6

Two worksheets have been handed out this week, one due on Tuesday, one on Thursday of next week.  If you haven't received them, email me.

Homework for chapter 7 has been posted.

The things we've been covering lately may be a little abstract and unclear to some people.  If you are having any trouble, make sure you see me during office hours.  Additional tutoring opportunities may be found on the "free tutoring" page.

Home, 2/10

With the exam over on Thursday, everyone can take a break this weekend!  We start with 6.6 next week.

Home, 2/3

Our first exam has been moved to Thursday, 2/9.  It will cover 6.1-6.3 and 6.5, and will have questions like on the homework and the worksheets.  You may look at old exams on the "scores and solutions" page.  The relevant exams are exam 1 and problems 1-3 on exam 2.

Worksheet 2 is due on Tuesday.  I will grade it immediately and you may pick it up from my office on Wednesday, if you'd like to have feedback before the exam.  Solutions to worksheet 1, as well as worksheet statistics are on the "scores" page.

Home, 1/27

Worksheet 1 is due next Tuesday.  Exam 1, covering 6.1,6.2,6.3 and 6.5 is planned for the Tuesday after that, 2/7.  In order for us to squeeze another worksheet in before the exam, it will be necessary for me to give it on next Tuesday and collect it immediately on the following Thursday.

Home, 1/20

Problems in section 6.1 have been assigned for homework.  We will go over some selected problems on Tuesday.

Home, 1/17

Welcome to the course!  Look around to familiarize yourself with the layout of the webpage.  Note that the most important links are highlighted.

These pages will get more content as the semester progresses.  Check back often: useful  infomation is provided in the 'home' section (which you are reading), typically updated weekly.  Homework assignments will be updated when we start a new chapter.