Home, 12/15 (last message)

The course is over and the final grades are in!  Almost everyone who came to the final exam for a better grade, did indeed improve their score.  You may see final exam and final grade statistics on the usual page.

Thanks to everyone for being such a great class!  Special thanks to people who participated in class:
this is always a great deal of help when I teach..

Everyone have a great break!

(scroll down for previous messages)

Home, 12/8

Exam 4 turned out rather well, especially considering it is the last week of classes.

The final exam is on Thursday, 12/14 at 1:30PM in our usual classroom.  The final exam is comprehensive and will have 6 pages (70 points, with two hours to do it).  Expect problems like on previous exams and worksheets, so the best way to prepare for it is to make sure you can do all the problems on the previous exams.

Previous exams and their solutions can be downloaded blank on the "scores and solutions" page.  You are strongly encouraged to work on the blank sheets first and then check your answers against the solutions.

Recall that the final exam grade replaces your weakest exam grade only if it is better, so you will have at least the grade you have earned so far, regardless of your final exam score.  Therefore, if you are considering whether to come to the final, there is nothing to lose.

Office hours for next week are: Monday-Wednesday 11:00-1:00, Thursday, 9:00-1:30.  Come to see me if you need help.

Good luck on your final exams!

Home, 12/1

Our last exam is scheduled for Wednesday, 12/6.  It will cover 2.2, 2.3 and 5.1-5.4.  Remember that if you do well, you need not take the final exam!

Solutions to all the worksheets so far are now on the usual page.

Home, 11/17

Exam 3 turned out well.  Good job, class!  Scores and solutions for exam 3 are on --- guess which page!

Worksheet 6 was handed out today and is due on Monday after Thanksgiving break. Email me if you won't be in next week to pick it up.  Homework is now assigned through 5.1.

The end of the semester is upon us, with just two weeks of classes remaining after the break.  Our last exam will be on Wednesday of the last week of classes.  Recall that if you are happy with your grade based on the four exams, you don't need to take the final.  The comprehensive final exam will replace the lowest of your exam grades, if it is better.

Home, 11/10

Everyone can relax for a weekend after the exam!  (I, on the other hand, have to grade them!)

Home, 11/3

Exam 3 is scheduled on Friday, 11/10.  It will cover 4.1-4.5.

Worksheet 5 is be due on Tuesday (to give everyone opportunity to ask questions over homework on Monday).

As the semester draws to a close, people are more and more interested in their grades.  Check out the grade computer page (have your test and worksheet grades ready...)

Home, 10/27

Oops!  Looks like I forgot an update last week... but it was right after an exam, so there wasn't much to report.  Exam 2 turned out fairly well.

Not much to report this week: homework has been assigned up to 4.2.  Once we are done with 4.5, we'll have an exam (week after next).

Check out the grade computer to see how well you are doing based on two exams and worksheets.

Home, 10/13

Exam 2 is scheduled for Wednesday, 10/18!  It will cover sections 3.3-3.7.

On the "scores and solutions" page you can find solutions to worksheets so far and blank worksheets (for practicing).  Avail yourselves to these.

Don't forget to come and seek help during office hours if you are having trouble with anything!

Home, 10/5

Homework is assigned up to 3.4.  We will cover sections 3.5-3.7 before our next exam, which you should expect the week after next (around 10/16).

Have a great fall break!

Home, 9/29

Exam 1 turned out fairly well.  You may view the statistics and get the solutions on the "scores and solutions" webpage.

If you didn't do as well as you'd hoped, stop by for office hours.  A lot can be cleared up in just a little time.  For other help opportunities, see "free tutoring".

Try the grade computer to see what your score is now overall!

Homework is assigned up to 3.3.

Home, 9/22

Exam 1 is on Monday, 9/25.  It covers sections on which homework was given (1.1-3.2). I have office hours 10:30-1:30 on Monday for anyone with last minute questions.

Expect problems like those given in class and worksheets and assigned for homework.

Solutions to both worksheets are now on the "scores and solutions".

Home, 9/15

Homework is assigned up to 3.1.

Week after next, we are planning Exam 1, to cover sections on which homework was given (1.1-3.2).  Exam is scheduled for Monday, 9/25.  Start preparing early and please stop by for office hours if you are having trouble.

Solutions to worksheet 1 is available on the "scores and solutions" page, as are statistics on how people did on it.

Home, 9/8

We started on 2.1 last.   I haven't assigned that section for homework yet, but you can look ahead and get started on that section.

Home, 9/1

Homeowork has been assigned up to 1.3.  On Friday, I handed out a worksheet which is due next Friday (so you can still get it when we meet next week).  If you'd like to get it sooner, email me, and I'll send it to you.

Have a great long weekend, everyone!

Home, 8/23

Welcome to the course!  Look around to familiarize yourself with the layout of the webpage.  Note that the most important links are highlighted.

These pages will get more content as the semester progresses.  Check back often: useful  infomation is provided in the 'home' section (which you are reading), typically updated weekly.  Homework assignments will be updated when we start a new chapter.