
Financial support for Posters-at-the-Capitol was provided through a Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Undergraduate Biological Sciences Education Program grant to Murray State University.

Governor Paul Patton (Center) meets with Students and Faculty at

Students setting up their Posters for display at the Capitol

Senator Bob Jackson looking over and discussing the Posters
that are on display.

Representive Buddy Buckingham                Senator Bob Jackson
Andra Tanner, StephenCompton,& Dr. Terry Derting                Andra Tanner & Stephen Compton

Provost Roger Redding                           Ya Fatou Nijie and Eniolami Dosunmu
Northern Kentucky University                                       Kentucky State Students
Gary Brockway - Provost                                                 Dr. George Willis Reed
  Murray State University                           President of Kentucky State University

Jeffery Coppage                                   Andrea Tanner
Murray State Student                 Murray State Student
and  Paul Patton                              and  Jim Callahan
Governor                          Majority Caucus Chairman

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            Posters at the Capitol Particitants

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