Robotics 2009 Camp
Day 3 -- July 8, 2009
MSU Afternoon Group

Day Three was the turning point of Robotics Camp 2009 at Murray State. The session began with a short video showcasing the VEX protobot. Building on yesterday's activities with the ultrasonic sensor, campers utilized the touch and sound sensor for today's challenges. Campers cut their teeth with the ultrasonic and touch sensor by having their robots run "Suicides" (wall to box relays--like the sports drill). The second challenge posed to be a bit more challenging.  "Ultimate Suicides" required teams to run their robot through a maze using all three sensors and dumping two plastic balls in a chosen tub.  For those that could muster it through the "Ultimate Suicides" drill, campers were challenged to complete the same maze in "Ultimate Suicides", BUT dump one plastic ball in one tub and the other plastic ball in the other tub.  The sky will be the limit as we approach Day Four!   

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