Robotics 2001 Camp
Day 5, June 15, 2001

Finally the big day and the Robotics Derby! During the first round, campers had their choice of events, with most participating in the Distance Doggy, Bulldozer Bowling, The Ultimate Challenge, or Bump and Go.

During the second round, campers worked on the Sunshine Trolley [using motors and a solar panel], Gear Jamming Chain Thing, and a new event, Park The Car.  This even required campers to program their vehicle to pull into a space and back out into a square.

Then it was time for the last "virtual campfire," a quick camp evaluation, graduation ceremony, group photograph, and final farewell.  On behalf of the instructional staff, I would like to say that we appreciated the obvious enthusiasm of the campers and their commitment to helping us make this a successful robotics camp! We also enjoyed the many parents and other visitors who dropped by during the week.  A special thanks to my assistant Dustin for all his efforts and interest in supporting Robotics 2001 in Madisonville..