Phil Schooley Robyn Pizzo
Education Abroad Office
years at MSU: 4
Have you served on Staff Congress before? No
If so, how long did you serve?

The candidate was presented with the following questions. The responses are printed as received and have not been edited by Staff Congress.

1. Why would you like to serve on Staff Congress?
I have recently returned to my job after maternity leave and am looking for opportunities to become more involved on campus. I would like to engage with Staff Congress in an open discussion of the challenges women face working on campus and ways that we can help one another. In the past year, I have successfully navigated policies related to maternity leave, Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA), breastfeeding, childcare, insurance, tuition waivers, work/life balance, and discrimination against caretakers, which at times has been incredibly difficult and frustrating. I would like the opportunity to contribute to Staff Congress legislating meaningful change at the university with regard to policies and the treatment of women and parents. Please vote to support the continuing efforts of Staff Congress that will make our university a better, fairer, more equal place to work for all.

2. Please list work experience and community involvement.
I have been at Murray State for 10 years, first as a student and now as an employee. I have worked as a student the Women's Center and News Bureau, as a graduate assistant with University Libraries, and as a full-time staff member in the Education Abroad Office since Fall 2011.

Robyn is a candidate in the At-Large category.