Biology and Mathematics in Population Studies (BioMaPS)

The Biology and Mathematics in Population Studies program (BioMaPS) creates a research environment for mathematics and biology students to study the designs and patterns that exist in populations at the organismal and cellular levels. The BioMaPS program promotes the integration of research and teaching in mathematics and biology by engaging students as both researchers and teachers. The BioMaPS program enhances existing partnerships with Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory and St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. In conjunction with the Biomathematics in the Commonwealth program, the BioMaPS program fosters the development of new partnerships with universities across Kentucky as well as nationally.

Students and faculty will work together as research teams on integrative projects, asking innovative questions from both biological and mathematical viewpoints. Projects include modeling of ecological and evolutionary processes relating to fecundity, parameter identification, developmental stability, biodiversity, anthropogenic disturbances, and population fluctuations. Mathematics or Biology students interested in participating in this mentored research experience should contact Dr. Fister.


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