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An intriguing object found by E.B. Andrews in the 1880s from a log tomb in Connett Mound 7 is now in the collections of the Harvard Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology (Putnam 1882, PMAE catalogue number 76-7-10/8893). This appears to be a copper effigy flared end tubular pipe, a style considered diagnostic of Adena. (In Connett Mound 5 Andrews recovered a more typical stone version of this shape.) More than 450 rolled copper beads (PMAE catalogue number 76-7-10/8892) were found placed around the burial in a manner similar to lines of pearls, or in one instance copper ear spools, placed about some Scioto Hopewell burials (Greber 2005). Perhaps the beads were attached to a fabric cover smaller is size but similar in cultural use to the covering found over a sub-mound at Seip-Pricer, the second largest known Ohio Hopewell mound..