Scientific Poster Display
Mount your presentation on a poster board on larger than 28" X 44" (not
including your title). Poster board of this size is available in numerous
colors in the Bookstore.
Bring your own pins to attach your poster board on the available poster
TITLE: Title, author(s) and affiliation(s) are to be printed across
the top of the poster in characters at least 1" high.
ABSTRACT: Include an abstract with your poster.
TEXT, FIGURES, AND TABLES should first be mounted on colored backgrounds
(illustration board or heavy construction paper) and then arranged on the
main board in vertical columns (not rows) in a clear and logical sequence.
This can be accomplished by numbering the illustrations or using arrows.
Poster sessions are often crowded and busy, conditions which can make close
viewing difficult. Therefore, your poster should be easily read from
3 to 4 feet. A distance that requires a character size of at least
3/8 inch high.
Each figure should have a large heading (1/2" or 36 point) or "take home"
message, one or two lines long.
The "take home" message should communicate the main content of the figure.
Detailed information concerning the figure can be provided in a legend.
The figure legend should contain information that would normally appear
in the body of a manuscript.
Remember, a casual viewer of your poster should be able to understand the
poster without having to read the legend; the legend is strictly for those
people who want to gain more detailed information about the figure.
Tables should follow the same general layout as figures.
Tables should be simple and contain no extraneous material.
For ease of viewing, try to convert any tables into figures.
The following are sites about how to make a good poster presentation:
![](poster2.jpg) |