What, Why, How?

Adapted from:  What On Earth Is Evolution?  The Geological Perspective of Teaching Evolutionary Biology Effectively,
  by Abour Cherif, Jerry Adams, and John Loehr (2000) 

In previous assignments, you have thought about the concept that there are changing communities of organisms represented in the geological strata of the Earth.  Referring back to Steno's Laws and the activity on geological time, the remains of organisms are deposited in the forming strata of the Earth.  Over time, this layer of earth is covered by a newer layer.  The deposited remains of the organisms are then effectively sequenced in order of age with the oldest organisms or communities being present in the bottom layer of rock.  Looking through the communities in these layers of rock shows that the organisms comprising communities change over time; however, these rock layers and included organismal remains do not directly tell us why the organisms changed as time passed. 

In the following activity, you will conduct research on three questions in an effort to better understand the changing of living things over time.   

Your Instructor will divide the class into three smaller groups.  Once the groups have been established each group will be given one of the following three questions to answer:

What living things have changed over time?
Why (i.e., what has caused) have living things changed over time?
 How (i.e., in what ways) have living things changed over time?

As a group, use the internet and any other available resources to investigate solutions to your question.  After you have been given adequate time to research your question, your Instructor will lead a discussion in which each group will present its findings to the class.  Be prepared to give an effective explanation, complete with several examples, of your question.

By now,  you have probably realized that your classmates have varying views about change in organisms over time or evolution.  To gain some insight into why controversy about evolution exists in the United States, view video #7 by clicking on the icon below.

Why Is Evolution Controversial Anyway?