Hypothesis testing: making an inference about how the value of a parameter relates to a specific numerical value: Is it less than, equal to, or greater than the specified number?
Examples: you want to determine whether the mean level of blood alcohol exceeds the legal limits after two drinks.
Elements of hypothesis testing:
Level of significance (alpha ): specifies the area under the curve of the distribution of the test statistic that is above the value on the horizontal axis constituting the rejection region. Alpha is a probability, a probability of rejecting a true null hypothesis. Normally, alpha = 0.01, 0.05, 0.1.
When a true null hypothesis is rejected, it is called Type I error (a ).
When a false null hypothesis is accepted, it is called Type II error (b ).
1. Test of goodness-of-fit
Objective: test agreement between the observed data and the theoretical (expected) data.
Hypothesis: H0: there is no difference between the observed and expected data.
d.f. = n —1, n = sample sizeDecision rule: if X2 calculated > X2 critical then reject H0.
H0: there is no difference between the observed and expected data.
HA: there is a difference
between the observed and expected data.
(class) |
(O) |
(E) |
O - E | (O-E)2 / E |
Purple flower (PP, Pp) | 705 | 697 | +8 | 0.09 |
White flower (pp) | 224 | 232 | -8 | 0.28 |
Total | 929 | 929 | 0 | X2 = 0.37 |
d.f. = n —1 = 2- 1 = 1
X2 critical = X2 (alpha = 0.05, d.f. = 1) = 3.84
X2 = 0.37 < 3.84, then the null hypothesis is accepted (there is good fit between the observed and expected data).
Note: in this type of test, only one
variable or factor is involved.
2. Test for independence
Objective: test the independence of two classification variables or factors.
Hypothesis: H0: there is no relationship between the two variables (independent, no association)
HA: there is a relationship between the two variables (dependent)
Test statistic: X2 = Sum ((Observed — Expected)2/Expected)
r = no. of rows, c = no. of columns
Conditions | A | B | AB | O | Total |
Absent | 543 | 211 | 90 | 476 | 1320 |
Mild | 44 | 22 | 8 | 31 | 105 |
Severe | 28 | 9 | 7 | 31 | 75 |
Total | 615 | 242 | 105 | 538 | 1500 |
Use StatView to calculate the X2 value for this example.
Written by Dr. Kate He, October 2001