Kari R. Hansen
Artist’s Statement
October 1, 2003

My work as an artist encompasses several mediums. However, over the past few years, I have concentrated in the fields of oil painting and graphic design. Periodically I combine elements and ideas from one medium and incorporate them into another medium.
In oil painting, I am free to express my thoughts and feelings on a personal level. In contrast, graphic design is more limiting, more contained for there is a client to please. However, I firmly believe that fine art has a place in, and enhances designs ultimately produced electronically by computer.
Presently, my oil paintings represent a subtle, personal expression about the manner in which people interact with nature. Within the large canvasses, I incorporate various shapes, textures, colors and text which not only render pleasing compositions, but also provide underlying conceptual meaning. Each element is chose carefully. Georgia O’Keefe influences my work in her subject matter, the scale of her canvasses and her beautiful choice of color. The large shapes and toned-down natural forms are inspired from nature. The color of these shapes is vibrant, and represents life, growth and survival. The texture usually is rendered thickly, dramatically, the implication being an oppressive, suffocating force. The anti-life or more commonly known as “ego.” By incorporating typography, I draw in an element of graphic design, and provide further clues into the concept within the paint. Man has a need to control his world, which includes his natural environment. Regardless of the consequences, man’s ego, represented visually by the heavily textured, rectangular dark borders, is domineering, suffocating thus destructive. Nature, on the other hand, is a positive, life promoting force, more powerful than the human ego, and breaks away from the suppression and ultimately succeeds.
My graphic design work also relies heavily on not only the elements of design within a computerized plane, but also by incorporating fine art into the work. I accomplish this by using different methods. For example, by scanning texture, which was previously hand made, by using drawings, prints, photographs, manipulating their appearance and placing them into a piece, I combine these with the computers tools to make a pleasing composition. Because this type of work is directly related to a client, thus making it somewhat less personal, I believe fine art and digital design can successfully work together.

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