Home, 1/17
The first homework on MyLab is due on Wednesday (orientation section). Please don't wait until the last minute to start it (and risk running into computer trouble) because extensions are not given. You haven't signed up for MyLab yet (there are some seven of you)? Make sure you do it over the long weekend: In Canvas, start in modules, then click on Redshelf and follow the instructions from there. Mac users: it is unlikely that MyLab will work with Safari - use another browser, such as Chrome or Firefox. Section 6.1 is due on MyLab on Friday.
On Wednesday, we will finish discussion of homework in 6.1 and start the next section.
Home, 1/12
Welcome to the course! Look around to familiarize yourself with the layout of these webpages. To get to other pages, click on the links in the menu (or drop-down, if viewing on a smartphone). The most often used pages are in the first line of the menu (or the first several choices of the drop-down). "Scores and docs," for example, has all the documents for the course.
Your first exercise is to find the syllabus on these pages and read it. The items there that are typically of greatest interest to students are from "Homework" to "Make-ups."
These pages will get more content as information becomes available. Check back often: useful information is provided in the "home" section (which you are reading), typically updated weekly. For now, here is some information on the textbook, online homework and Canvas.
Textbook and online homework: In this course, you have signed up for "Inclusive Access," which automatically bills you for access to the online homework system and includes the e-book. You can access these materials by clicking on Canvas/Modules. If you do not already have a Pearson account, you will need to create it and then link it to your Canvas account.
Canvas: Canvas will only be the repository of class notes and your grades. Information about the course and weekly messages will be posted to this website (also accessible from Canvas). (Why bother with the website outside of Canvas? Two reasons: it's easier to make updates to it, and it stays public. I value this, and you may grow to as well, as a service to future students of this same course.)
Lecture notes: Have these with you so that you can follow the lectures in class without having to copy a lot. I will distribute the printed notes. The filled-in notes written in class are on Canvas.